sexta-feira, fevereiro 25, 2011

Água mineral

Dia quente
e lindo

Envolto nessa alegria,
admito, não tive razão,
mas bem percebi que havia

uma fonte de água gelada
cristalina e doce
e fria
dentro da caixa pequena fechada
sincera e doce
e fria

Coração ainda de menino
Eu que morri e que vivo
dentro do mundo que imagino

Recuso o que emana do dia
dos sonhos felizes do ar
comungo só com o luar
que escalo na ventania
pra deixar a alma vazar

em cachoeira

terça-feira, fevereiro 22, 2011


I still stand here wet
wishing you to float into that air of hopes again

I had devised a world in which the light of you that I smoked would never go out
And the soft texture of your skin never burnt me fingers and
chest and thought
The lonely sweet ashes into which you’d be slowly consumed could linger
by the toxic inhaling of dancing you
perfuming these lungs of mine

But when I was about to suck you in
I was left in the dark to cough alone
And light rain damned me as your fire just disappeared